Open data Bizkaia
About Open Data Bizkaia
Open Data is an approach that promotes access to the information the Administration makes available to the general public, at no cost, in reusable formats, and with no restrictions in terms of its conditions of use.
Open Data Bizkaia is the service that discloses the information managed by the Provincial Council and Public Administrations in Bizkaia in the form of raw data; in other words, original data generated, compiled or gathered from any source, and which have not been processed. The data are provided in digital, standardised and open formats, following a clear structure that facilitates their use and interpretation, whereby they may be used to create products and services.
About us
Open Data Bizkaia is formed by public bodies in Bizkaia with an interest in disclosing the information generated or held by public organisations, permitting its access and re-use for the common good and for the benefit of those people and agencies interested.
Open Data Bizkaia’s core mission is to enable the introduction of services based on these data, using them to create value.
The Provincial Council of Bizkaia pursues the following goals:
- Transparency in the Public Administration. Permitting the re-use of the data disclosed for analysing and assessing public management.
- Creation of value and wealth. Developing products derived from the data by firms, companies from the data-gathering sector and the public at large.
- Interoperability across administrations. Facilitating the creation of services for the general public that use data from different public administrations.
- Internal arrangement of the Administration’s information. Driving efficiency in data classification and documentation.
This project seeks to foster the creation of private-sector services based on public information, as both the general public and firms and other institutions may use this public information to develop services to complement those provided by the Provincial Council and other Public Administrations in Bizkaia.
The new Open Data Bizkaia Portal is a multi-language website (Euskera/Basque, Spanish and English) of a functional nature that provides easy access for all users and visitors. The entire portal is licensed under CC BY (see Terms & Conditions of Use).
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